Chalk & Cheers Artist Registration

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Skye Canyon Chalk & Cheers Artist! Deadline to enter is October 1, 2024. All artists will be notified by October 4, 2024.

Chalk Artist Registration 2023
Competition Group

Maximum file size: 5MB

All artists are required to submit a sample artwork. Please submit at least one image of your past artwork in any medium. Max 3 photos, Max file size 5MB
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: All artists are required to submit a sketch of a past drawing. Please submit one image of your past art work in any medium. Artwork for the festival must be appropriate for public viewing and not be of any offensive nature. All artwork must be original ideas and created entirely by the registered artist. Student and Amateur squares are 5’x5′. Professional spaces are 5’x10′ Chalk artists at the festival are not paid and there is no reimbursement for travel or lodging. Deadline to enter is October 1, 2024. All artists will be notified by October 4, 2024.